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"The Cloud" |
Cloud computing is one of the hot topics in terms of the next evolution of the operating system and how we're going to use computers in the future. In short, cloud computer is Internet-based computing where the accessible data is stored on a server and accessed via the Internet and a secure connection.
From an enterprise perspective, cloud computing makes sense because all information is stored on company servers, and this information can be accessed by using ANY enterprise computer, logging into your account, and working away without saving anything on the local computer in use. Deploying such technology is costly, and it's tough for companies to justify this expense especially with a traditional infrastructure in place.
From a personal computing perspective, one could argue that cloud computing might not be too practical. Personal computers have privacy (of course, to a certain extent), and you can store your personal information locally.
What are your thoughts on this?
If used for research and developtment i wouldn't mind that were to happen, but if they started using it for commercial/war purposes i would be really mad
I use things like google docs, but I'd never put anything valuable or confidential into the cloud.
Not too informed on cloud computing. But I'm even less informed on the cost factors, is most if it coming from bandwidth issues or designing the new infrastructure to handle cloud computing?
And I fully agree on personal computing, cloud is not practical due to limited bandwidth and internet access.
This could be good for certian situtations, like maybe a corporation, or office setting. maybe even for the masses but as it sits i like our current data bus internet node to node pc privacy and i hope that in some respects, we are not all always connected, that we can retain some of the pc to ourselvs
i hadnt really known too much about it before now
I like my information with me... on my hard drive...
But I suppose it makes sense if you travel and don't have a laptop or whatever.
i think it's very practical, my company is switching to it.
could be cool for "regular" people, lol, like my parents, or people who just surf the internet and email, but, for people who do more advanced stuff, i'm not on board...
As long as its secure, its fine with me.
To some extent, we all use the cloud computing concept. How far we go varies...many of us use google docs, host images on the internet, use streaming audio services.
But for consumers I think it will only advance to a certain stage. I'm not going to start storing my RAW files online, for example.
While I think it's a fine idea for use in a business world and application, I don't see it being practical or particularly useful in a home setting.
As long as its safe.
That looks awesome, cant wait to see what happens
I guess it's a good idea if you travel a lot
i think i agree with you, it might not be practical enough
Very interesting but in till there are flying cars its not the future
This makes me mad. Figures. I'll do a post on this shite. Thanks for getting my hackles up. I can tolerate a Mac, I can tolerate Windows, but when it comes to outrageous claims by corporations whose sole purpose is to extract money and data from you and I, well.
Cloud makes it easy for sysadmins to outsource many systems, freeing up their time for better use.
Yeah this is really a debate these days. Good job on the post.
seems good for someone who's on the go.
Sounds practical to me...but what do I know?
it would be convenient, but cloud computing would open up new threats.
Mmmm... Shiny servers.
dude i'm working on comps right now. you are genius. i love you
cool stuff
Looks pretty awesome, but like others said.. maybe not practical in reality.
nice post man
good thinks
I cant wait till wireless internet is as available (or more) than cell phone service
The main advantage of cloud computing is always having a backup of and access to data that you put in the cloud, in theory anyway.
The main disadvantage is reality. Security issues exist, servers crash, and while the cloud is a great thing for the wired generation, people need to keep other backups to keep themselves covered.
i use some cloud services like dropbox and google docs, i find them handy - but i always think twice about what docs i put in there
thanks! very informative
that seems pretty cool.
I'll just use my computer :D
I guess it has some uses for non personal type things. So for businesses its the best but I prefer the privacy of a personal hard drive.
Hm...I'm kinda torn. I like the accessibility of the cloud, but I also wouldn't want to have all my data stores non-locally.
they already have been doing this for years. i think the clound has more to do with useing all teh processers at teh same time as a hybrid mind. they are useing muticore processers in eh machine nows and haveing al teh machinea process the data in quadrant hives instead of one machine doing each task. kine of a forebearing to a nerual network
I do all my personal browsing on a mac, but by career I am a .NET programmer. Kind of ironic :)
for this to work we need moar internets
I'll have to look into this more
Sounds really good for businesses. Especially in terms of reducing setup/update time. If they could work out all the kinks, they could make it really practical.
How secure are we talking here? Any transfer of data between physical locations opens up chances for it to be compromised. I don't deal with sensitive data myself but I know the company I work for has huge privacy concerns with customer data.
you've got an interesting point here, good job with the post
I'm not really a fan of cloud computing, though I do see it's upsides. For me, I'd like to be able to use it to access my media wherever I go, and my content creating programs (Photoshop, Acid Music Studio) wherever I am. The downside being I like the thought of having a computer be "my computer" and not sharing with anyone. Cloud computing gives off a chance of having your data broken into. It may be slim, but it may happen.
I'm not sure I would be safe with military info on the cloud though.
it seems useful for businesses
It looks very interesting, don't think I'd personally use it.. There could be issues with leaks.
Well, I use Google products like Docs and Gmail for work everyday. I'm definitely a strong advocate of cloud computing. I think it's the future of computing.
Im a little weary of this. They already have a lot of information from us. And yeah, I dont think its very practical for a company to have free cloud computing. And I would certainly not pay $10 to store data or use some apps.
Unless it was Photoshop or some high end apps like that.
a cloud is fluffy and in the sky
I think it does not Justify paying a lot extra for what you'd be getting...just saying
I think it could be justified in a enterprise/corporate environment but for home users and delicate personal information I'd say no.
I don't really trust cloud computing ...
cloud computing looks very interesting
but i would not put confidential info on it either, except if it's on the company private network
our it architecture is slowly going to be cloud, each time our IT is upgraded more things are based on servers
wouldnt use it myself would prefer to have my data with me, but it could be pretty useful for travelers
Cool post, I agree with you also, keep up the good work
If thats a cloud computing system I do not want. Where would I keep that in my seconday garage? Yeah right, this thing is way to unpractical for personal use.
can an enterprise use one and the average joe just use normal PC's?
Hmmmmmmm... i dunno lol, following you
That looks intense.
I like your blog allot i review too all kind of tech shit and video games better check my out too XD
nice post
2 cons though:
- putting all your eggs in one basket is a big security risk. (say someone managesto fake/steal a hign level account, he can access the main server fully and therefore has access to ALL the information)
-Slow Bandwidth = Major Pain in the ASS
I dont think people will accept this, mainly for the issue of safety.. if there's vital information stored on servers, someone will be able to hack into that information.. at least that's the first thing I think about :)
cloud computing is a bit of a gimmick imo. it can be used to great effect but it's becoming a marketing term, like "social media"
Interesting. nice post
wow that sounds awesome
wow that is nice
Coool! The future is awesome :)
clouds ftw
Yeah it sounds like a great idea if you travel, other than that it serves no purpose for the average person.
srs biznizz
I honestly don't know too much about it. But the whole privacy thing is an issue for me.
it has potential
interesting, my friend is doing his PhD on this subject
i like "the cloud" for stuff like synching save-games across different pcs and stuff like that.
Oh jesus, it looks just like my work :(
I always thought this is how it always worked with companies.
informative post!
we need super fast interwebs, cloud computing will really come into its element in about 5-10 or so years.
very cool, thanks for sharing!
It seems like it would be useful in some situations, but for the majority of situations it seems impractical
Don't know enough about this to have an opinion
Yeah kinda scary with the privacy thing then again everything may be monitored in the near future...
cloud computing ftw
I agree with most of the comments but this can be a stepping stone for something greater
I share Sigmunds opinion only usefull is you travel...A LOT.
great post. thx
imo it can be quite usefull for companies, but that's it
Sweet post ;)
damn thats some spaceage stuff man, keep it up
Damn those severs look sick.
wow very interesting please keep posting
Cloud computing seems really interesting and I would love to see more companies try it out.
Wow. Interesting find. I wonder if we'll eever get home versions of thse. lol
That'll be the day.
Love it @_@!
I have my concerns that when everything is stored out there, it will be easier for my personal stuff to escape... for example if I cloud out some naked pics of my girlfriend, who's to say that someone working at that company won't make that his personal leisure material?
back to the future!!
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